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Seaview Primary School, Glenarm


2016/2017 School Year

15th Sep 2016
P.1 and P.2 enjoyed their outdoor play this week especially the musical instruments!...
14th Sep 2016
Primary 5, 6 and 7 had great fun being archaeologists for the day. They dug up artefacts...
13th Sep 2016
Representatives from P.2 to P.7 met this afternoon to form our first ever Eco-council....
9th Sep 2016
Congratulations to this week's winners! Remember everyone is a winner at Seaview...
8th Sep 2016
P.1 and P.2 took advantage of the sunny weather and took their play based learning...
7th Sep 2016
Primary 1 and 2 went on a listening walk around the village on Wednesday morning....
1st Sep 2016
A big thanks to Oliver's Dad, Colin Urwin for helping Bobby put up our new...